Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm Not Your Toy

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

How many strikes does it take to realize that the guy in front of you is a complete jackass? One? Two? Or three? Sometimes, when you experience pain, you realize things. You become more aware. You're stronger. But sometimes, things don't happen that way. There's times when you set yourself for your own demise. You say that you attract the assholes and you do. You accepted it. But what stopped to think for a bit. Why do I have to go through the same thing again? Why would I do that to myself? My friend, CC has experienced a shit load of guys, who were probably the biggest assholes on earth. They were guys who would lead you on. Disappear. Then reappear with a different girl in their arms. And you know what? It's not fair for, CC. People like her, deserve the best. She's beautiful inside and out. Who wouldn't want that?

See guys...are probably going to be the biggest obstacles in our lives. They have the ability to change our lives and in a second, they have the ability to ruin it. They have the ability to make us doubt ourselves. To question whether or not we're beautiful, fun, or good enough. They're just that life-changing it's fucking crazy. They occupy our heads for so long. We even picture ourselves on the first date. And then what? He totally blind-sides you and tells you, that he needs to see where he is in life first. In other words, I only wanted to play. But we keep justifying these assholes and stand up for them. We put our fucking trust in them. And we totally fuck ourselves over. And we never stop to think...we just do it.

But what I want you ladies to take away from this is, just to stop and think. Think about yourself. Just like CC, she did it. And I am so proud, you don't even know. She could've kept going, but she didn't. She realized things, before it was too late. Never do things for the guy's sake. It always has to be about you. You have to feel happy. You have to feel loved. Appreciated. Not just someone who is there at their disposal. One more aware girl means, one less broken-hearted girl. So, if you're ever after a guy who you know is an asshole...hit the pause button and think for yourself. Don't do anything for him. It's your story. It's no one else's. Trust me, it'll only go so far if everything you did was for him.

Lots of Love,


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