Monday, January 7, 2013

I Give You A Year

Happy New Year to my beloved readers, to whomever you are out there! I hope that your New Year is filled with joy, happiness, and love, whether be it from an old flame or a new one. 

2012 was a time of misconception and misunderstanding. It was also filled with great skepticism and the unknown. No one exactly knew whether or not the world was going to end, but one thing for sure was that it taught me something. The skepticism that I faced last year, whether or not I didn't believe in the apocalypse, led me to appreciate the little things. I wasn't out finding someone who would love me before the world would hypothetically end, but at the time, I was completely happy being single and spending time with friends and family. I just wanted to bask in the moment, as opposed for looking for the prospective ones. We can't plan ahead and continue our searching as if we're running out of time, because it would seem like we're forcing something out of nothing. 

People are impatient. They want to believe that love will happen when you're searching, but it doesn't. I know many of these types of people, and those who are in relationships now share a different story. They came to an understanding that love just doesn't happen when you're carefully planning each moment, each happens when you're totally unaware. Confidence is the key to finding a guy, but not just any guy, the good guy. You can get guys anywhere, but it's the good ones that are worth the wait. It's not just waiting, ladies. You don't just wait for someone to land on your doorstep. You don't just go out there and look. Put yourself out there and just enjoy the pleasures of life. How is he going to find you? How are you going to find him? If all you do is sulk at home, worrying about the way you look, or maybe how you're supposed to look...Good luck finding him. He's not going to come to you, unless you bring yourself out...enjoy some food and drinks with your friends. Don't look around for the stolen glance, don't look at your phone to see if the prospective one texts you back, don't preoccupy yourself with how many trips to the gym the food will take to burn...just enjoy the time that you are having with the people who care about you. When you think yourself as not good enough for a guy, don't ever forget that he may not be good enough for you. 

Women keep thinking about their appearances and how being stick thin will attract only the best. In "best" what do you mean? The "best" looks or the "best" personality? The guy who will love you will be the "best" when he accepts the real you. Let it be about YOU this year. It was never about's about you. And if you don't have faith in yourself...don't expect a guy who has faith in himself either. I'm asking you to give 2013 a chance for YOU. Just do what you feel like doing.

The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power.  You just take it.  ~Roseanne Barr

Lots of Love, 
Miss V 

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