Friday, March 2, 2012

Expecations, Expectations

It’s time to wake up. There’s so much more out there to live for than that one person that you’ve been waiting for. If we can’t experience life, we can’t experience love. We need to drop our expectations of a guy and not be afraid of getting our hearts broken. I was listening to the radio today and I heard something that opened my eyes to how humans need to act. Sure, we've evolved into this intelligent being that thinks and feels things that other species can't. But sometimes, thinking too much and being too emotional can get in the way of our perception of life. We approach people, guys especially with expectations and a shield of knowledge from our past experiences. And we don't even give them a chance to prove anything. Once he does something that some guy that we dealt with before, we drop him. Or if he resembles that guy we fell in love with once, we open our hearts right away. We don't ever let the truth set in. If we did, then maybe we wouldn't be missing the opportunities that life throws at us. And that's why this radio commercial changed my views, it said:
Be more like dogs, because dogs are non-judgemental. They always start a relationship with a human being with no expectations--except that they will be nice. (People for the Good)

And that's why we need to just be expect for the good, instead of expecting for the bad. 

Chick flicks and chick lit tells us to be wary of those "types" of guys. We categorize them, we judge them, before anything. Sometimes, it's good going into a relationship with a blindfold, instead of going at them with a set of guidelines. Think about it, guys also have a set of guidelines and could be acting on those. If he acts like a jerk at first, it may be that he's just trying to impress you or try to show off his personality. It's stepping stones. We don't just give him that first pitch and strike one he's out. Obviously, he's made numerous mistakes or disrespects you--he's not worth your time. But you got to give a guy a chance, he could be as nervous as you are, but he's being all cocky to mask away his nerves. Get to know him a little.

You know, I look at some guys as charity cases. Well at least, that's what my sister says. I always try to look for the good in a bad person, and somehow think that I can take all the bad things away. Of course, everyone has flaws and we need to accept them or help them out. But we can't always change a person with our love and care. Sometimes, they're full of shit that we can't fix, but maybe someone else can. We can't fix everything in this world ourselves, we need other people to fix it. We all try to maintain order and try to cover the chaotic with our knowledge, but our world is an environment of chaos...we just need to accept that it is. We can't fix every single person. We're just one speck on this planet, and we are agents of our own stories. But we need to stop thinking about how to write our stories in our heads, we've got to live our stories. We will experience some things that we can find in a movie or a television show, but you know what the difference is? We can feel it, all we need to do is savour it. But how can we, if we've got these guidelines or warnings in our heads? You can't. 

That's why I'm asking all of you...let go of your set of expectations. Don't plan things to make things happen, just let life happen. And I will promise you, I will do the same. I'm not perfect and I don't have all the answers on how to make a relationship successful. We're all in the same boat, and that's what I realized today. So let's do it, let's start again. 

Lots of love, 


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