Sunday, January 30, 2011

These Words From My Heart

You know what’s rare these days? Honesty. Straight-fowardness. Courage. Especially with regards to feelings. We totally get caught up in this universe where: when you have something good to say, don’t say it all. Wasn’t it supposed to be when you have something bad to say? Yes, unfortunately, it’s so rare to tell your true feelings for that someone, because we have this mentality that the only thing we can tell our true feelings to is our teddy bear bedroom walls. It’s not bad, really, but the problem with everyone these days is that we don’t want to be JUDGED. We don’t want to be REJECTED. We don’t want to get HURT. We are COWARDS. However, for those who tell their true feelings, attractive or not, kudos! But, we make fun of those people. We question their antics. And we go even further to make fun of them: Who does that guy think he is? We make their lives a living hell, meanwhile, we’re doing that to ourselves by not telling the guy the truth. Advice to me and you, my fellow ladies: QUIT IT.

Earlier, I was talking about Harvey and how I would take things slow. But today, because of that friend who grew balls, I was inspired. Actually, I made a truce with her and now I have to fulfill my part. AKA, I have to ask Harvey out for coffee, which shouldn’t be a big deal. I said shouldn’t. Anyways, my friend, let’s call her Jaylin, had a hell-of-a-dilemma. The guy, who she is friends with (who also has a girlfriend), told her that he had still had feelings for her, and they haven’t changed. I know, scandalous, right? Well as she was dealing with this “I-jus-shit-in-my-pants-from-anxiety” situation, she realized that she has feelings for him too. Would totally be romantic, if she wasn’t the third wheel, right? Well, she wanted to tell him, but obviously, it’s a little risky and plus, homewrecker status was on high. So she didn’t for a while, until two/three days ago. And you know, I don’t see her as a homewrecker. It’s a not a sin to say something on your mind. She had a need to be honest with him. And here’s where she inspired me. We need a little more honesty. We need to stand out from the rest of the girls who think that flirting or making sexual gestures will get them into a guy’s heart. In the end, all that matters is your true feelings, even if it’s just a crush. In terms of marriage, sure wearing/saying something sexy is a good way to start a marriage, but when it all boils down to nothing, what really matters? Love. Sure, love can be expressed in many ways: expensive gifts, sex, a kiss, a hug, who are we kidding? But the best part part of love is hearing those three, yet so cliché, words: I LOVE YOU, from the person that you can say those three words to too. Nothing should be holding you back from saying it, you should be able to say it freely. No strings attached. And this is what Jaylin did. She took the hit. She took it for the team. It may be an obvious anxiety attack on her part, but for me, it’s inspiring. Love you, girl!



Friday, January 28, 2011

Gamble Everything For Love.

Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.
~Jules Renard

Have you ever felt like you and the guy that you are totally smitten with, are living in the utmost parallel universe? You definitely like him (HEAD-OVER-THE-HEELS). And he definitely likes you. BUT (there’s always a “but”), none of you are taking any action? It’s kind of like one day, you’re going to grow some balls and finally ask him out, but then something happens...You don’t see him that day (or you did but the balls that you supposedly grew disappeared). And it could totally be like that on his part (without the balls’ disappearing, that would be of concern), so how the hell would you fix this?

Ok, so this is my dilemma, I really like this guy. For our sake, let’s call him Harvey. When I first saw Harvey, I was like, “Wow.” And no, it’s not like he’s a heartthrob (he’s cute), but I just got that feeling that this guy is someone that I’d like to pursue. I met him last October, on the same day that I first saw him (I know, I should’ve written a blog entry at that time) and as a few months pass, I started to get to know him. My verdict: he’s sweet, funny, non-judgemental, and most of Harvey's just HARVEY. BUT the problem was, how would I subtly ask him to go out with me? He’s shy. I’m shy. See, the parallel universe, here? Yeah. That’s why I made it my New Years’ Resolution to take chances and make mistakes. And I have not yet taken it to word. Why? It’s probably, because, I’m afraid that I was wrong about him liking me and that he’d reject me...or it turns out that he has a girlfriend already. Really, though, I’m not going to ask him, “Hi Harvey, please just date me now.” No, I was just planning to ask him out for a coffee date. I want to take things slow, but not too slow, to the point where I land myself in the friend zone. To be honest, there’s nothing to lose. “Do you want to go out for coffee?” is a yes or no answer. So what am I waiting for? To be honest, I really don't know, but what I really do know is that I really like him. Why? I've met some of the biggest jerks on this unpredicatble planet and when I encountered was like so there are such things as nice guys!

Anyways, my advice for you ladies out there, who are stuck like I am: JUST DO IT (in Nike's words). We shouldn’t be scared. You know the problem with guys from the 21st century? They’re scared of us too. You don’t meet guys who are up front anymore. You don’t meet guys who write love poems or letters to woo you anymore. No, it’s all about, “I want to sleep with you”. Well, so far, in this somewhat short lifespan of mine. But from what I see: WE have to take action, because THEY’RE afraid of telling us their true feelings. Apparently, we have switched each other's roles. LIKE WTF. Man...I just want to tell him.



P.s. I made a truce with my friend (and my sister) that if I ask him out, they'll tell the guys that they like how they really feel...UPDATE: my friend grew balls. NOW, it's my turn. FUCK.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My New Year's Resolution

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossoms had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."

-St. Augustine

I know it's been a while since i haven't posted anything. It's just that there has been a lot going through my mind and I can't seem to write. However, I'm going to try to post as often as I could!! First of all, Happy New Year to you all! Wishing you that your year is filled with love, good health and most of all, happiness!!! I can't believe that it's already 2011.

The quote I have listed above is one of the most beautiful descriptions of love, I have ever come across. Love is not something that you can ever take away from someone, no matter what you do to them, the love that they have for you will be imprinted in their heart forever. That's what real love is, anyways. But some people find that "love" has symptoms, as if it were a common cold or a flu. Sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach, quickened heartbeat, can't eat, can't sleep. We could totally manipulate that, though. When it all boils down to nothing, what's left? Love? Infatuation? Let's be realistic, love is rare. It's not easy nowadays, to find it. It's masked behind the proliferations of divorce, heartbreak. People are afraid to fall in love for that reason. Statistics say this. Statistics say that. But for once, instead of hiding, we should go out there. Meet people. Mingle. And just maybe, we'll find love somewhere. Somewhere where we least expect. Take chances, make mistakes, as Miss Frizzle would say. I ask all of you, to surrender to the pursuit of love. To find that someone that not only gives you butterflies for one moment, but for a lifetime. To find that person that you are willing to fall in love with every day. Don't tell me, it's impossible.

The pursuit of love may be one of the most exciting times of your life. It's like a treasure hunt, although, the reward is far more worthy than gold. I'm going to take chances this year. I don't want to live a life of "what ifs". So join me, in this pursuit! It's never too late to start, right?

L(ots) O(f) L(ove),

Miss V.
Hello Ladies (&Gents, of course),